Type of Parts


Technic Diffusion regularly imports automobile parts and accessories from the major U.S. suppliers, such as EMPI, Wolfsburg West, TMI, CB Performance, West Coast Metric, SCAT and many more.

Technic Diffusion also offers a unique service, which allows you to Special Order any product not available from our catalog.

The process is simple and quick; you simply need to supply us with the Part Number of the product you need. For pricing in Euros, we apply a specific, preset coefficient, which takes into consideration the exchange rate and shipping cost. We handle the various administrative and custom duties, and you pay the merchandise once you receive it.

Please note that all Special Orders are firm and cannot be changed/canceled, once you confirm these specific orders.





  • summit
  • wolfsburgwest
  • bugpack
  • scat
  • cb performances
  • auto meter
  • racing car
  • wcm
  • tmi
  • empi